Homeschooling 2021-2022 here we go!
Soooooooo, I have done Waldorf schooling for years. This year I am using a program (charter school?) called Tech Trep and I decided to try just normal secular homeschooling. I think Paisley will thrive and with Ginger (who is 5 and starting at home kindergarten) I am doing half waldorf and half normal homeschooling. I love how waldorf teaches reading and letters in general, its beautiful and slow paced...perfect for someone who has only been on planet earth 5 years lol (I was listening to a podcast yesterday and the guy said "Man imagine only being on earth for 5 years and trying to figure the world out" thats going to stick with me haha).
My goal with schooling is to raise life long learners and I want them to ENJOY school. Below is everything I bought so far for this school year, I used a website called and I got a kit there. You can go to their youtube channel and watch videos on whats in the kit and WHY. I was really impressed with them.....they have been doing this since 1986 I believe. The kits include all of the core subjects but also STEM, art, games and something to keep their hands busy. Im excited!! We have our last package coming tomorrow (Thursday 8/19) and we start school on the 23rd, so just a few more days!
I still plan on incorporating nature time, that is something I love and cherish about Waldorf schooling. Its really important to me and we are still working towards our 1000 hours outdoors, we have stalled like crazy in the last couple months.
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